
Sovereign Grace Churches

Sovereign Grace Churches began with a conviction: churches are stronger together.

In the 1970s a group of young believers, reading their Bibles with fresh eyes, were captured by the New Testament vision of interdependent congregations. They saw churches existing not in distant association but in close and vital partnership with one another. This vision spread to a handful of churches, then to new churches established across the U.S. Eventually churches outside the U.S. joined the movement and a global family of churches was born.

This family of churches grew both in size and depth. A commitment to shared theological convictions was matched to a commitment to gospel-centrality in life and ministry. Experience strengthened the union. Relationships matured. This family of churches renewed their commitment to one another and their common mission. Today Sovereign Grace Churches continues with the same fundamental conviction: churches are stronger together.


Response Committee for Sexual Misconduct

Regional Evangelist Team

National Church Planting Group



Jon Payne (Director of Church Development)

Jon serves as the lead pastor of Redemption Hill Church in Round Rock, Texas. Jon has served in pastoral ministry in Sovereign Grace since 2005, having served on staff in Gilbert, Arizona, before planting Redemption Hill in 2013.

He was invited to join the leadership team of Sovereign Grace in 2020, having participated on Sovereign Grace's Executive Committee since 2014. In September of 2021 Jon stepped into the role of Director of Church Development, responsible for providing resources and care for Sovereign Grace's Regional Leaders and developing resources to serve and support Sovereign Grace pastors.

Jon is married to Lory, who gives him endless patience and countless moments of laughter and insight, and together they love the gift of their four children.


Mickey Connolly (Contributor)

In what Mickey says was a surprise to everyone who knew him, and in the mystery of God’s providence, God called him into full-time pastoral ministry in 1984. Then, to what Mickey describes as his “everlasting amazement and gratitude,” Sovereign Grace adopted his church in Maryland in 1987.  

During his time with SG, Mickey has served as a staff pastor and a senior pastor at both Solid Rock Church in College Park, Maryland, and now at Crossway Community Church (CWCC) in Charlotte, North Carolina. He’s served as the Regional Leader for our Mid-South region, encompassing Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.  He also had what he says was the great privilege of serving as Director of Church Development on the Leadership Team of Sovereign Grace Churches for more than six years, transitioning out of that role in September 2021. His primary responsibility was to support the SG regional leaders as they served the nine regions throughout the country.

Now, as Mickey remains in his roles of elder at CWCC and regional leader for SG, he will also continue to contribute to this website.