Response Committee For Sexual Misconduct
(Note: Links to additional RCSM resources are at the bottom of this page.)
The Committee’s Role
Every pastor's joy is to see people thriving spiritually through their knowledge of and relationship with Jesus Christ. Of course, we live in a fallen world. Few things remind us of this more than the grievous reality of sexual abuse. For this reason, the Response Committee for Sexual Misconduct (RCSM) exists. Our burden is to serve pastors as they shepherd those affected by sexual abuse. From ensuring that our churches are prepared to respond when abuse occurs to equipping them to care for those involved, the RCSM exists to serve pastors as they serve the church.
To accomplish these purposes, the RCSM has been given the following responsibilities:
Ensure that sexual misconduct allegations or suspicions are reported immediately to all the appropriate authorities.
Help the local pastor(s) wisely care for, protect, and support the victim(s) when sexual misconduct occurs.
Ensure that due process is followed for local churches and elders in compliance with the Sovereign Grace Book of Church Order (BCO).
Provide resources to help victims of sexual misconduct.
Provide resources to help prevent sexual misconduct.
The Pastor’s Responsibility
The following is the responsibility of every Sovereign Grace pastor as noted in our BCO.
When an allegation or suspicion of abuse does occur, you are required to contact the RCSM in the following situations:
When an elder or former elder is accused of, or criminally charged with sexual misconduct
When a church employee or volunteer working with minors is accused of, or criminally charged with sexual misconduct
When an elder or former elder is accused of mishandling a case of sexual misconduct
You are invited (but encouraged) to engage the RCSM in the following situations:
When a church member / attendee or their child is accused of or criminally charged with sexual misconduct.
When a church member / attendee or their child alleges sexual misconduct.
The Next Step
Members of the RCSM are always available to help bring clarity and guidance when the tragedy of abuse occurs or is thought to have occurred. You can directly contact one of the members of the committee listed below:
Steve Bice
Keith Bunting
Kyle Huber
Derek Overstreet
Bert Turner
OR simply email the committee by clicking HERE or by following the link below and someone will get back to you immediately. We are grateful for our partnership!
Resources: The Pastor’s Toolbox
Here are some of the resources that the RCSM has to assist you in navigating the difficult waters of sexual misconduct allegations.
First Steps
Read these resources first in the event of an incident of misconduct.
Book of Church Order (see 10.2 thru
Summary of State-by-State Reporting Guidelines (laws change—please crosscheck with your state’s current guidelines)
Helpful Resources
The Response Committee for Sexual Misconduct (RCSM) is producing a series of short videos to help equip you to serve your church and members well if there is an incident of misconduct.