The Shaping Virtues - A Note from the Leadership Team

Over the last few years the Sovereign Grace Leadership Team has worked on this project that we’ve now called The Shaping Virtues of Sovereign Grace. Most of the credit for this work should go to Mickey Connolly who labored to produce the fundamental draft of these virtues, and to Jared Mellinger who worked hard at the editing process. We would also like to thank Ben Kreps—his idea to promote a list of Sovereign Grace virtues, and his own list of virtues, inspired us in this project. We are also grateful for Dave Taylor's valuable insight about the usefulness of a list like this in introducing Sovereign Grace to inquiring pastors around the world. Our desire is that these virtues would continue to motivate pastors to build churches that reflect the gospel. We never want to be churches of doctrine without application, of gospel preaching without gospel-shaped character. In the coming days, we will be posting brief posts from Mickey that discuss the value of each of these virtues, and you can also watch out for the second season of the Ordinary Pastor Podcast, where Jon Payne and Jared Mellinger will be discussing the importance of these virtues in leading a local church.


The Shaping Virtues - Humility


Our Shaping Virtues